Agua de Melon series
Agua de Melόn is made with cantaloupes, sugar, and water. These pieces resemble half-cut cantaloupes revealing the orange centers. The indentations on the outside create an organic form. For the glazing, a glossy glaze is inside the melon and a satin matte is used on the outside.
Agua de Limon Series
Agua de Limόn is made by using lemons, sugar, and water. On the ceramic pieces, I applied a lemon texture. For the glazing, I spray two glazes to create a gradient effect.
Agua de Horchata Series
Agua de Horchata consists of soaking rice overnight and adding milk, sugar, cinnamon, and water to produce a creamy milky drink. I wanted to complement the drink with the ceramic piece. In this series, I applied a rice texture after I trimmed the pieces.
Aguas Frescas
Aguas Frescas are the fruit-infused drinks vendors sell at festivals or Mexican restaurants. Cecy wanted to capture the essence of having a refreshing drink in a personal setting; a backyard deck vs. festival grounds; a ceramic pitcher vs. a large glass jar; and a ceramic cup vs. a Styrofoam cup. Aguas Frescas consumed in Styrofoam cups do not have the same quality of experience as holding hand-made ceramic cups. She hopes that for some, it brings back some nostalgia, and for the rest, it's an introduction to an experience of enjoying cool refreshing drinks in hand-made ceramic cups. Agua Frescas brings back memories of Cecy’s youth when her mother would make large pitchers of Agua de Limón(lemon/lime), Agua de Sandía (watermelon), or Agua de Melόn (cantaloupe).